Custom Processing
Local Meat Processing Near Me
Conger Meat Market is a USDA certified meat co-packer based in Conger, Minnesota. We offer farm to table meat processing services that will help your farm and family with your custom beef processing needs. We are here to help you with your custom animal processing needs in 2024 and beyond - we look forward to serving you!
Local Beef Processing Near Me
Not only do we ship and receive nationwide, but we are also passionate about expanding your reach and bringing your delicious meat products to more people across the country. As a USDA certified meat producer, you can trust us to help you scale your business and achieve your goals.
Let us be your partner in success. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you in making your meat products a hit among customers across the nation.
Now taking custom beef orders for 2024, print your order sheet here.
Farm to Table Pork Processing Near Me
We can provide you with pork from farm to table. We have relationships with local hog farmers and can connect you with the local farmer so that you and your family can have fresh pork from a southern Minnesota farmer.
Conger Meat Market is a USDA federally inspected meat processing plant in Conger, MN that has been operating since 1935. We are committed to providing our customers with great tasting products and service they can trust!
Venison Processing Near Me
Looking for a local venison processor in southern Minnesota? Stop your search and head straight to Conger Meat Market! We pride ourselves on being a USDA certified meat plant that specializes in local meat processing.
Local Meat Processing Plant
Want to get in touch with Conger Meat Market? Give our store a call at (507) 265-3340 and ask for Jeremy or Darcy Johnson. We're here to help and answer all your questions. Alternatively, you can shoot us an email at We look forward to hearing from you!
Private Label Services
Processing Farm to Table Meats | Conger Meat Market | Conger, MN
At Conger Meat Market, we offer custom processing services that are USDA...
Award Winning Meat Market
Award Winning Local Meat Market
In 2019, the U.S. Small Business Administration named Conger Meat Market the 2019 Minnesota Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year. The company was honored at the state’s Small Business Week Awards Luncheon on May 10th in Minneapolis, MN. The Johnsons were nominated because of their commitment to creating jobs in their rural community. They work hard for their community everyday.
The SBA had this to say about Johnsons, “Darcy is deserving of this award due to her perseverance and determination to bring Conger Meat Market to the next level of industry requirements. She has been key in the dedication that it took to go through the long process of becoming a USDA federally licensed facility at a time when several small meat markets are choosing to shut their doors rather than comply with the updated state licensing requirements. As a result, Conger Meat Market has sustained increased sales for processing, retail and shipping of products, and increased customer base and newly expanded locations.”
The Johnsons are avid supporters of local communities and they donate their meat products and processing services to organizations such as the Eagles Club, Lions Club, Ducks Unlimited, the Minnesota Deer Association and Pheasants Forever. They are also active members of their church, where they have served on the council multiple times over the past 20 years.